Tuesday, December 04, 2007

eca Centenary Masters of Design 2007

As a culmination of my Master of Design Degree I will be exhibiting in the eca Masters of Design Show running from December 6th-12th at Edinburgh College of Art, Lauriston Place. It'd be great to see you there so please pop along and take a look if you can!

Friday, November 23, 2007

My Big Little Brother

Character sketches for my new children's book idea 'My Big Little Brother'.

"When I was small I had a little brother and wherever I went I had to take him too. Mum said he was too small to be left on his own and he didn't know things- like how to cross the road, how to tie his laces and not to talk to strangers."

A Funky Fairy

Just because I felt like it. It is just one of those days when I feel the need to paint things pink!

Greyfriar's Bobby

I'm working on ideas for greeting cards at the moment and this is one with a local flavour. Edinburgh's own Bobby in the snow.

Monday, November 19, 2007

Happy Birthday Dad!

An image I drew for my Dad's birthday on Sunday. I'm quite excited by it as this is the first time I've tried to work with black, white and grey only.

Friday, October 26, 2007

Morocco- the final image in my series!

This is it folks. The final one and all will be on display at the Edinburgh College of Art Masters Show in December- come and check them out! To view the whole set take a look here.

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

The Owl & The Pussy-Cat

Oops, due to a slight mix-up I ended up illustrating the same nursery rhyme as someone else on my course. So here is my new submission for the Master of Design degree show programme.

Wednesday, October 03, 2007

Japan- part of my Penpals series

Four out of six completed and 6 weeks to go! The Masters Show at the ECA will run from December 5th - 12th and the whole set of these will be exhibited. If you want to see the others on my site click here.

Leckie & Leckie Commission

A nice commission from an educational publisher, to be used as a postcard advertising the drama guide I've illustrated for them.

Hey Diddle Diddle!

My Masters Class are producing a book of illustrated nursery rhymes to act as brochure for our degree show. This will be my contribution. I'm particularly pleased with the border.

Friday, September 28, 2007


I'm currently preparing work for my Masters Show in December. At the moment I'm working on a Japanese street scene. I've also moved house and got a lovely new studio. This drawing was just something I had in my head that had to be put to paper.

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

A Hoopoe wearing a tie

From a commission by Leckie & Leckie Educational Publishers. I'll post the whole thing here once it is finished and in print.

Monday, August 13, 2007

The Falkirk Wheel

Hi folks, it has been a while since I posted on here but I've been incredibly busy (which is always good news). At the moment I'm working on a cover featuring Stirling for Pocket Mountains and images for a Drama Course Notes book for Leckie & Leckie.

I'm hoping for some free time soon to continue with my personal work, the Penpals series, which has had some really positive feedback from friends and clients. Watch this space for the next instalment.

Wednesday, July 18, 2007


The third in the Penpal series.

Thursday, July 12, 2007

Sumo Wrestling

And here is the finished image. I've added more people to the crowd and posters at the back.

Monday, July 09, 2007

In progress, an image of sumo wrestlers in battle. An impulse draw!

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Spot the Difference

Further work on the image below. I've added lamposts, a few more people, a bar in the Tabac- well I'll let you find them!

Sunday, June 24, 2007

En France

Salut! This is the first image in a series I'm planning showing street scenes from all over the world. This one is, as I hope you can see, France. This is also the product of my entire weekend as the weather is apalling so I've sat at my desk colouring away. Please note- this is an A3 piece! It is officially the largest piece of work I've ever done!

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

The Lion & The Unicorn

While I'm here, this is another piece I've just finished. It is a modern illustration for the children's nursery rhyme 'The Lion & The Unicorn'. Many nursery rhymes have their roots in politics or historical events and this one is no different. It refers to the joining of Scotland and England by King James and his decision to create a new heraldic crest representing both countries. The unicorn stands for Scotland (and is chained by the crown around its neck!) and the lion for England. In the rhyme the lion 'beats' the unicorn all around town, referring to the not-quite-so-happy union. I've updated this scene with a drawing of the new Scottish Parliament building, relating it to current events and progress.


This is one of the images I produced for the Scottish Storytelling Centre. They went with a white version of this in the end. At the moment I'm working on my Crocodile Fence story and writing my dissertation. The two go side by side as I'm writing about hand lettering in children's books and I've just reached the point where I need to think about what I'm doing text-wise with the book. I've researched how children learn to read and have come to the conclusion that hand lettering is a valuable resource when used in the right circumstances. There needs to be a high level of legibility and consideration for the expected audience but overall children seem to be very capable of transferring reading skills to any font or letterform (once confident in their reading skills that is).

Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Bookmark for Pocket Mountains

Yey a deer. Thought I'd post a quick update on what I've been up to. I'm currently doing some work for the Scottish Storytelling Centre which I will post here eventually. I also gave a talk as part of the Edinburgh Libraries Festival of Scottish Writing. Thanks to all who attended, it was a great group and helped me through my first big public appearance! (well it was big for me anyway). At the moment I am still really excited about my Jive Bunnies and looking to do something with them as well as working on my ideas for children's books (as part of my Masters degree and personal interest).

Monday, May 21, 2007

Knights in armour...

These images are for a client but I thought I'd share them with you. Busy at the moment as I'm helping my partner prepare for his exhibition.

Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Boats and interviews

The image above is for this months Rowing & Regatta Magazine. Anybody notice the subtle use of photography? I'm currently working on a series of exciting new projects that I will update on in the near future. Busy busy busy!

Yesterday I was interviewed as part of the Six Cities Design Festival giving my opinions on the use of illustration in album artwork.

Thursday, May 03, 2007

Thursday, April 26, 2007

New Look Website

Hello All! Hope you like the look of my new website. If you arrived here from somewhere else go to www.vickigausden.co.uk and take a wee peek. As ever comments and suggestions are most welcome.

Monday, April 23, 2007

Pocket Mountains

This is an image of Edinburgh completed for a new walking guide by 'Pocket Mountains'. Sorry I haven't posted recently but I've been busy (as ever).

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Rowing & Regatta Magazine

An image for the Amateur Rowing Association's magazine.

Monday, April 16, 2007

Nationwide Mercury Art Prize 2007

I'm through to the finalists so my work will be on display at The Hospital, Covent Garden for the next two weeks or so.

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

The Counting Fox

My beloved red fox has undergone a brief makeover and is now starring in his own book- 'The Counting Fox'. This will be a simple One to Ten journey through the British Countryside and involve some of its cutest inhabitants. I'm doing it as part of my Master of Design degree but there is something very publishable about this one!

Monday, March 19, 2007

Felt tip pens...

I had a headache today and so thought I'd try out some drawing the manual way! I found a bunch of felt tip pens and doodled this...a little different from my normal stuff but it is nice to play around.

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Images for a Women's Lobby Kit for South Lanarkshire Council

I'm currently working on these for The Graphics Company. There are 15 images in total but these are my pick from them. Its been a busy week again but a productive one. I'll post more soon I promise!

Friday, March 02, 2007


It's a cold day and it looks like it might just rain. I'm working on my huge list of illustrations for Storlann and today I've been tackling skeletons. Above is the horse example. Always good to try something new! Now for the frog...

Thursday, February 22, 2007

And a caravan...

... Because I felt like it. I'm seeing some exciting new directions in my work and really enjoying the freedom to experiment a little. I'm also newly devoted to my Wacom Tablet.

A Busy Week

I've been working on a big list of illustrations with a tight deadline so excuse my lack of posts. I thought I'd put these up- I've just done them for the 'Ask the Expert' section for Historic Scotland.

Thursday, February 08, 2007

A Little Re-jigging

I wasn't 100% happy with how the monster turned out so I went back to the drawing board (or back to the blank Photoshop document in this case!). I injected a little more colour and took my Wacom tablet for a spin. Thanks to Jill I now have the pressure sensitivity turned on (!) and the results are quite exciting. All of the text was drawn/written directly onscreen.

Tuesday, February 06, 2007


And while I'm here, this is the text from yesterday put to good use. This is a double page spread from Caterpillar Salad. My favourite bit is the pattern on the plate!