Monday, August 14, 2006

A Native Species...

From a suggestion by Steve that Scottish wasps are tartan coloured. I just love that idea for some reason...

Sunday, August 06, 2006

Naturally Beautiful

I read this somewhere on MSN and thought I'd illustrate it. It is disturbing to see people in the limelight, such as Victoria Beckham, begin to look disturbingly similar to starving children. Life is for living, not for worrying about looking like someone else. Beauty is all about confidence and character anyway.

Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Look familiar?

Here is my latest illo for my book 'Dae Ye Ken?'. This one has been submitted to the FlairIllustration competition and you can view my entry here.

It is raining cats and dogs and various other animals in Edinburgh today. My cat is curled up under our duvet laughing at me for braving the outside world.